Monday, 23 November 2009


How was the film consumed in the UK?
 The film was very well received in the UK and won lots of awards. In the opening weekend Slumdog Millionaire made £1,827,457, it was screened in over 300 cinemas. On Amazon Slumdog Millionaire is 40th on the best sellers list. The average customer review is 3 and a half stars, which is not too bad.  
   On Amazon people have reviewed the film and it has been very well praised; one man says 'Slumdog Millionaire deserves a place among the masterpieces of world cinema'  he aslso rates it 5 stars. Another woman also admits how at first she did not want to see the film as she thought it would be a 'drippy foreign film' she says it is far from what she thought and the film had even moved her to tears. On Amazon all i could see was positive comments. Which shows what a an amazing film it was. 

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